If you don't already know Syp and his mighty Waaagh blog, 1) where have you been and 2) get over there!
It's one of the first blogs I check each day with Syp commenting on both the state of WAR now and ideas for the future. Interesting post up at the moment about Murder night here: Bounty Hunting
He's got an idea there which reminds me of the old bounty hunting we used to do in Ultima Online. Man I loved Ultima ;)
Full website url is: http://chaosmoon.gameriot.com/blogs/WAAAGH
Other site I'm posting about this week is Wizards and Wenches. Another of my personal favourites and it was actually on there that I read about the WCPI. One of the things I particularly like with Regis' blog is there's always something to raise a smile, a little bit of humour :) With the world of WAR at times being blasted by negativity and Blizzard sponsored anger monkeys, we need blogs like this to read :) As for what's on there, it's a real range of stuff. From tips on setting up a UI, to WAR news, to an Orc's version of YMCA, great stuff all.
Full website url is: http://wnw.blogwarhammer.net/
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