
Thursday, 23 September 2010

Gamesday INC!

This Sunday is Gamesworkshop’s UK Gamesday. It’s the biggest and most important event in the worldwide Warhammer calendar, but despite a long term interest in Gamesworkshop stuff I’ve not gone for many, many years. Too many annoying kids, too many strange people and too insanely busy. This year however I am going, partly to have a few drinks with folks from Karak Norn, but being honest as much as I wub my fellow Nornites, it’s mostly because it’s a chance to meet people from Mythic and possibly get some real news.

So I bought a ticket ages ago… which proved to be a mistake as I found out yesterday I could have gone for free, but at the time of me ordering a ticket and knowing how fast they sell out, I didn’t want to risk assuming I might be offered one. Still, I appreciate the thought ;) Anyway, since its a few hours on the train to Birmingham and is on a Sunday when the trains are extremely limited, I can’t actually get home afterwards. So I’ve got a hotel booked too AND the Monday off work, which means I can sink a few beers! With luck Andy, Carrie & Co will be up for that too. :D

The big questions are about, well, questions. Will anything of real substance be revealed at Gamesday? Will we have the opportunity to ask questions and if so, will they get proper answers?

I honestly don’t know. We expected too much from Gamescom, the same could well happen here. No bloody clue.

I keep thinking I should write a list of questions in case there’s a chance of an interview, or a Q&A but everything I would want to ask depends on either more news being revealed first or it has already been no commented before. So I dunno yet, we’ll see how I feel about it all nearer the time. I tend to adlib in general, so whatever happens I’ll blag it. One way or another, I’m sure I will have plenty to post about.


  1. I didn't think I was going to be free, else I would have come along to. Anything to feel the Mythic love ;) You were right to book your ticket in advance, you don't want to be dependant on others and feel disappointment if your expectations aren't met.

    So Carrie and the crew have been in Europe all this time?

  2. I wouldnt mind having a free ticket are they free?
    Ideally I dont want to spend anything as I'm only going to ask a few questions to the mythic peeps and then get on it :)

  3. When you get there try to connect with Mythic. They will most likely have a presentation which will be followed by a Q&A session. At the Baltimore Games Day they let us bloggers in first and then they let everyone else in (privilege has its rewards). After the session, Gaar and Mykiel got us a sitdown with the devs where we asked a bunch of questions.

    It was a good time and as our posts showed ... there were some answers there but not the detail I think folks were hoping for.

    Since we are into the 2-Year Anniversary perhaps they will make more news known ... timing could be right. If no new goodness is mentioned I'd be interested to know when they anticipate a formal press release ... Dec is right around the corner and I'm sure they'd want to get some word out to folks.

    And as big as Games Day Baltimore is ... the UK version is the really big one.

    Get the scoop!!!

  4. Remember to ask them where the collector's edition slaneesh siege ram "the penetrator" has gone. "Large poles for big holes!" as they cult says, so im sure it is in the game somewhere now that doors can be upgraded.

  5. LOL, as funny as the slaneeshi seige ram is, GW is planning to release a new fortress model and other seige goodies in 2011 - this is secret at the mo. Try asking Mythic/GW what plans they have for tie ins between the two games with regards to the new seige experience in both games, see if you can some details. New toys?

    Remember to look at Carrie's face when talking to her (yes even after 8 jars).
