
Tuesday, 26 May 2009

100 bloody posts!

This is my 100th post... Woah...

I'm a bit spun out by having hit this milestone. I only started this blog on a whim and it kinda snowballed once I realised that (for some mad reason) people were actually reading it.

I can't claim to have got anywhere near the big boys in blogging's numbers (whatever they might get), nor was it my aim to, this has always been just something to do for my own amusement, but I've been pleasantly surprised with the numbers I've had. Over the 100 posts I've had over 12,000 hits and am currently sitting with about 140 feeds on the back burner. They may well actually be low numbers, I don't know tbh, but I can tell you it's far more than I ever expected.

A big thank you to all the members and organisers of the WCPI, as well as to all the bloggers that have me on their blog roll. Also I have to give a shout out to the legendary Durtbocks who after listening to my crap descriptions over the phone, has whipped up all the best images I've used, including my banners and my all time favourite the super sexy BBW Orc...

Well if WoW can have World of Whorecraft...


  1. To laugh, cry or throw up... such mixed feelings.

  2. My eyes... oh god my eyes.... Congrats on 100 posts. I am going to go pour bleach in my eyes now.

  3. do you get a tomb unlock for that?

    well done mate,

  4. Congrats on the 100 posts!!!

  5. Thanks all ;)

    @ Scott - I hope it's not a tomb unlock :D I'm not goth enough to get into that :P

  6. Congratulations! Milestones are always fun, even when we bloggers tend to pick and choose the ones we want to celebrate. :p
