
Tuesday 5 October 2010

New Tank Armour sets

You can find the in development post here. Or because I'm quite nice really, read on...

With the upcoming RvR pack, we will be introducing 2 brand new sets of armor. These sets will be above and beyond Sovereign, requiring Renown Rank 90 (Doomflayer) and 100 (Warpforged). Much like the changes to Sovereign that were implemented in 1.3.6, there will be 2 version of each of these sets.

The new sets will consist of 5 pieces of armor. The goal of having 5-piece armor sets is to encourage players to acquire items from multiple sources, giving players more flexibility without having to sacrifice set bonuses by removing pieces from a 6+ piece set. Due to the combination of this change and the increase in item power, we have also removed set bonuses of a single stat to make each individual non-set piece more impactful.

In addition to these new sets, we are also introducing a brand new stat. The stat is called Fortitude and is effectively "Toughness Power." It works with the same relationship as Melee Power/Str, Ranged Power/BS, Heal Power/Wil and Magic Power/Int.

Below is the stat allocation and set bonus information for Doomflayer (RR90) and Warpforged (RR100) for Tanks. As always, please keep this thread on topic with providing feedback to the set stats and bonuses.

Doomflayer (Defensive)
Tou - 289
Wou - 182
Init - 170
Str - 141
7% reduced chance to be crit
5% block
80 hit points every 4 seconds
4 AP per second
4% reduced armor penetration
80 fortitude
Set Bonuses
2 piece - On Being Hit: 10% chance to increase Fortitude by 238 for 10 seconds.
4 piece - On Being Hit: 10% chance to Heal yourself for 1030 health over the next 5 seconds.

Warpforged (Defensive)
Tou - 374
Wou - 228
Init - 212
Str - 178
9% reduced chance to be crit
7% block
120 hit points every 4 seconds
5 AP per second
6% reduced armor penetration
120 fortitude
Set Bonuses
2 piece - On Being Hit: 10% chance to increase Fortitude by 308 for 10 seconds.
4 piece - On Being Hit: 10% chance to Heal yourself for 1325 health over the next 5 seconds.
5 piece - 2m cooldown - Your group becomes immune to Stagger, Knockdown, Root and Knockback effects for 5 seconds.

Doomflayer (Offensive)
Str - 289
WS - 182
Tou - 170
Wou - 141
6% melee crit chance
80 melee power
5% reduced chance to be parried
4 AP per second
5% parry
6% critical damage
Set Bonuses
2 piece - On Hit: 10% chance to reduce the next two heals on the target within 10 seconds by 516.
4 piece - On Hit: 10% chance to increase Melee Power by 238 for 10 seconds.

Warpforged (Offensive)
Str - 374
WS - 228
Tou - 212
Wou - 178
8% melee crit chance
120 melee power
8% reduced chance to be parried
4 AP per second
6% parry
10% critical damage
Set Bonuses
2 piece - On Hit: 10% chance to reduce the next two heals on the target within 10 seconds by 662.
4 piece - On Hit: 10% chance to increase Melee Power by 308 for 10 seconds.
5 piece - 2m cooldown - Nearby allies have their movement speed increased by 60% for 10 seconds.

 Hmmm interesting. I like the idea of armour sets only being 5 parts in future.

LOVE the new Fortitude stat. Great idea to improve the defensive side of tanks, which just doesn't work correctly with toughness as it is right now.

Obviously this armour is quite potent in its power, but with everything changing and renown 1-80 being greatly accelerated, I suspect that won't be too much of an issue. Hopefully... hmmm. I do wish at least Invader and Warlord could be improved too.


  1. Defensive tanks are nigh on impossible to kill atm as it is, so this is gonna make even bothering to fight them pointless.

  2. YO Dawg I heard you like defensive stats so we put defensive stats in your defensive stats so you can tank while you tank.

    On a metagame level currently you don't see too many defensive tanks, mainly they are low levellers hoping to extend their life span before they melt in the AoE. Encouraging tankers to tank is a good step by mythic.

    If peeps are still unhappy I guess they will have to wait and see what the M and R DPS specs look like before cancelling their sub.

    TBH though I am just praying for some new cool graphics. GW's Empire Handbook has an image of KotBS with helmet shaped like a sun (with grimace) and it looked awesome.


  3. I agree with Filth, trying to even kill a offensive spec'd tank is an exercise is futility.

    I smack at them, they smack at me, they seem to do the same dps as me, without that many downsides.

    Whine over with !!

  4. They are hard to kill yes. But the same damage?

    No, not even close to proper DPS careers at equal gear levels. Example, my mid fifties dual wielding WE and Choppa, depending on target are hitting for 500-1800 each hit (remember DWing), a shield tank won't hit for anywhere near 1k. Unless their target is dramatically undergeared or debuffed to hell, in which case the DPS careers hit even harder.

    So Damage Per Second, no comparison. Sure total damage done on a scenario score board, etc can be equal, but only because the tank dies less.
